Housing Market Shift Happening

There's a shift occurring in the Housing Market once again. Sellers, the shift is affecting you and your home's value. You may think that home prices will continue going up and that buyers are going to always be there when you decide it's the best time to sell, but nobody can tell you that for sure. Prices are at or near all time highs once again and interest rates have also been climbing. With both of those factors in play, many areas have been noticing less offers, longer days on market and price reductions. If you are considering selling your home, it's important to know your homes' true value. To get a free market absorption analysis with comparable home sales and trends, let us know your property address and we'll connect with you to give you a free home evaluation. If you decide that you'd like to sell it, you should know that as we're experts in marketing, negotiations and sales. In fact, we have a proven track record for getting top dollar in ...