Important Update- if you are a ministry, missionary, or you'd like to support any who are.
If you are personally or if you ever hear of any of your friends or family moving anywhere in the USA, whether buying or selling Real Estate, please contact me. I have Scott Brown Realty set up so that I can advise them as to how to proceed, and if they (or you) choose to listen to my advice and use an agent or broker I recommend them to, that broker or agent will pay me a referral fee based on an agreement most agents do all the time. I will be able to credit the buyer or the seller directly back 20% of my commission referral money to them, and I want to let you know that is a way in which I can support your ministry. They can take all of that rebate or perhaps what I suggest if they don't want to give it all, is to give half of it to your ministry and use the other half for their moving expenses or however they wish. It costs them nothing to talk with me, and most of the time my advice saves them thousands of dollars, and all of us can benefit from my education, experience an...